So enjoying learning some different ideas on design within a painting. Needed to fill in some empty areas with this...
Palette knife
Dug out some rather dried up old oil paints to join a Michael Goff workshop last weekend, where we chose our subject...
And the winner is……….????
Thanks all for the varied suggestions for my next compilation picture. Love Narelle's theme of following a story from...
After thinking hard on what the sport of "Eventing" means to me, I hope this first attempt at a compilation picture...
Working today on a design for my first attempt at a compilation painting! Choosing a subject close to my heart -...
Working Sheep Dog Australian Championship
Well today I completed the 14th of 20 watercolours for the Dogpro Supreme Australian Championship. To be held in...
Progressing Well
What an interesting challenge my "Big Commission" is! The watercolour paintings are progressing well and the fact that...
Lest We Forget
A favourite oil done a few years ago and inspired by "War Horse". A tribute to the many horses lost alongside those we...
Excited to receive confirmation on a commission for later in the year. A National Championship requires 20 paintings...
“Glorious Gippsland”
Congratulations to Bairnsdale and District Art Society for running a huge 4 day Easter Art Show, delighted to say that...
National Equine Art Prize
What a fantastic weekend we had at the National Equine Art Prize Exhibition held in conjunction with the running of...
It's been an exciting week launching the new website and preparing to head off to the National Equine Art Prize....